
Payment by Privatbank card

Online payment by bank card

Payment to Monobank card

Cash - only for pickup


Pickup from our store is free.

By courier from the store around the city

  • If the value of the order is more than UAH 700 - free of charge.
  • If the value of the order is less than 700 UAH - 70 UAH
  • If the address is far from the center (Rossoshentsi, Rybtsi, Gorbanivka, Klimovka, Vakulentsi, etc.) - UAH 120

Delivery in the region is UAH 15 per kilometer, it is better to agree the exact cost with the manager.

Terms of payment

You can pay for the order online directly when placing the order, choosing a convenient method, or by card Privat 5169 3351 0231 7365 FOP Pekhova Olga or mono bank 5375 4114 0589 6312 Pekhova Olga.

Payment in cash must be agreed with the manager by phone or in messengers (095 113 30 43), as there are a number of nuances related to cash.

We work from 8 to 20, if there is a need for earlier or later delivery, it can be agreed by phone.

Terms of delivery

We receive your order, check payment and availability of necessary information and components.

On the day of delivery and in accordance with the chosen time, we form your order (print a postcard, collect a bouquet, call the recipient with the words "You are worried about the delivery service. We sent you a surprise, is it convenient for you to receive it at (such) time and at (such) address ?". If the recipient corrects the time and address, we notify you. We also send you a photo of the completed order. After the delivery, you receive a message about this and a photo report, if the recipient did not refuse.

As a result, everyone is happy and smiling)